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children feeding free range hens
straw bounce playing in the barn
Learning farming from the farmer
hens eating from your hand
children in the meadow grass
children and goat kids looking on
children smelling flowers
happy outside child
child exploring in the meadow grass
Children's farm explorer parties

*please note: Parties cannot be booked more than 4 months in advance or less than 8 days from today's date. This allows for us to balance our seasonal farming workload with hosting visitors.*


Arrive at the farm and meet your fellow party invitees and your farm tour guide who will show you around the farm. Explore our farm, meet the animals, learn about farming and caring for livestock and the environment and then enjoy healthy party food in our indoors heated timber framed studio kitchen!


For grown ups there is a mini honesty 'cafe' where you can buy and make your own organic tea, coffee or hot chocolate which you can take round with you on the farm tour and enjoy while the kiddies are eating party food.


On your farm tour you will meet the hens, give them a snack and collect any eggs that have been laid. You'll learn how to use our egg sorting machine and help get the eggs sorted into different weights ready for packing! You will also learn about how the hens help us look after the soil and build soil carbon!


Next you'll meet our world famous Goats (who spent the pandemic Zoom bombing meetings around the world!) and give them a tasty treat. Find out how to do a general health check on a Goat and learn what care goats need to stay in top condition. Did you know goats need pedicures?


Next we will check the field the sheep are in - are all the sheep where they should be? Sometimes they escape and we need the sheepdogs to help us catch them! Learn all about our Hebridean sheep and why they are so special.


After exploring the farm we will go inside into The Lean In - Our fully insulated and heated Studio farmhouse kitchen - where all the children can sit down and enjoy child friendly, healthy, low carbon footprint party food (and the grown ups can admire the views of the hills from the windows and buy a brew.)  Party food which is included in the price, the children are usually ravenous after romping around the farm! We are proud to offer our visitors healthy, fun, ethically sourced party food grown at our farm or sourced from our local Coop (currently ranked 2nd for most ethical shopping chain in the UK). We provide Mexican style wraps with a variety of child friendly dips including plain humus, red pepper humus and cream cheese, baby tomatoes, salad, seasonal fruit and sweet treats including cookies, sweet popcorn and tasty biscuits the parents can have, too.


When can we come and what to wear


We are very much a non-designer gear function - children will have the most fun if they are dressed in clothes they are not worried about getting dirty - wellies, cosy clothes and a sunhat/ waterproof depending on the season. 


We accept bookings year round, in the winter snow can make the farm car park unreachable by car, but for the active family who are prepared to walk the 20 minutes (childrens speed) from the main road your children can enjoy using sledges to take hay to feed the sheep, and have a whole farms worth of snow with which to make snow castles, snowmen and snow farm animals - and of course to sledge down the hills! We also have plenty of under cover spaces on the farm should it start to rain. 


Price: £190 for up to 10 children (party food is included)

Optional Extras 

Plastic free party Bags                                    £4.50 per bag

Unlimited brews (all organic tea and coffee)     £15              










To book a party with us simply choose a date and time from our availability calendar below. Happy booking!

WE HAVE A STRICT NO SMOKING POLICY ACROSS THE WHOLE FARM. This is not the venue for you if any of the accompanying adults will need to smoke before, during or after the party. This is due to our farm being a conservation area. This is very important to us, and we ask that you respect this policy to help us protect and conserve our beautiful farm and wildlife.



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